How 1000’s Of Australians Are Getting Slimmer & Fitter After Lockdown WITHOUT Home Gyms or Dieting!


How 1000’s Of Aussies Are Getting Slimmer & Fitter During Lockdown WITHOUT Home Gyms or Dieting!

Hi, My name is Georgia Foster 

And I know exactly what it feels like to be in lockdown for 253 days almost straight.

Because I live in Melbourne, Australia where we had one of the harshest and longest lockdowns globally.

I know first-hand how stressful being trapped inside your home was.

And it absolutely sucks because this situation was not my fault and anybody else who experienced lockdowns knows it was not their fault either...

And deep down you know this but hey it didn't help…

We’ve all suffered the restrictions in lockdown, where we weren’t free to go to the gym, run through that park or walk with friends and sadly there is a serious health hangover for many that still hasn't been resolved!

I totally get it because I was feeling the same way, my friends were feeling the same way, my family were feeling the same way.

You know what's crazy is that...

I am yet to meet one person who got through these lockdowns and restrictive measures without some sort of health issue!

Kate’s lockdown story, Melbourne, Australia

‘I was sitting a home with nothing to do. And I kept on eating just because I could, just cause it was there, and I hated myself for it.  I felt bloated and disgusting because I had nothing else to do.  I would end up walking past the mirror 20 times a day, and looking at myself, and I feel crappy about myself, and then I beat myself up about it’

Felicity, Sydney, Australia 

'It's not my fault, I got stuck here like this and now I have to deal with this. It's not fair. I know I was getting screwed over.  Our government did this to me … and I know putting on weight was something I felt no control over because I felt so trapped.  I hate myself and I feel awful about myself.

Tanya, Newcastle, Australia 

‘These lockdowns caused me so much stress. I know I'd be in great shape and I'd be working out and I'd be eating healthier, but there's annoying little things of just stumbling blocks have gotten in my way.  
I know there's stupid little stumbling blocks are because I am feeling like I can't get out of this lockdown over-eating cycle. They have been big enough to just stop me dead my tracks. Because I am so tired of being in this lockdown mentality, even though it's over. It's the anxiety it might happen again! I am tired of feeling unmotivated and I am tired of not looking after my own health and wellbeing.’

Whether you have put on weight, lost muscle tone, or just got into a bad habit of raiding the fridge because of boredom, loneliness, anxiousness, sadness or just plain anger…

You see I’ve been watching people … like when you sit on a park bench and observe the world go by and many have not got over the trauma of lockdowns...

My skill set is 23 years of helping mainly women change their relationship with food.

To train their brain and body to ‘self-love’ and ‘self-care’ rather than being self-destructive.

And it’s this self-destructiveness that 'post' lockdown is still occurring daily, hourly and minute by minute in homes around the world right now…

It’s just not right and it’s just not fair.

So here is a home truth from me now...

While in lockdown I struggled too with my own weight and body image issues, even though I am known as the ‘Emotional Overeater’ expert.

Before lockdowns I was a bit of a gym bunny and I was a balanced eater but when the pandemic hit…

I stacked on a lot of weight and lost all motivation to stay toned and fit.

On one level I knew what I was doing but I just couldn’t help it because I was depressed, anxious and fearful about life and the future…

While juggling homeschooling triplet boys and running a business with my partner Ian, it all just got too much.

I remember our family doctor who has always been very direct with me saying at the beginning of the pandemic…

“Don’t live in leggings and tracksuit pants! Keep your jeans on, otherwise you won’t know when you put too much weight on!”

But having zoom meetings and being stuck at home, I fell into the trap of putting my ‘comfy’ clothes on the bottom half of me day after day and these same clothes became my pajamas at night!

It was pure groundhog day and one day fell into the next and before I knew it after a few months…I had put on a lot of weight!

It all came to a head when I took my son to our doctor one day for a casual check-up.

I didn’t make it two steps into his office before he said to me...

‘Looks like my jeans theory is correct and clearly you didn’t listen to me!’

I was horrified but I knew it was true!

Embarrassingly I kind’ve liked my sloppy Joe outfits and I just didn’t feel motivated to get dressed because…

What was the point!

No one was going anywhere!

Then last year the day after my birthday, when I couldn’t fit into my jeans or any of my dresses and had to wear a rap around skirt, I decided enough was enough.

I knew I needed to take stock and pull myself out of my ‘poor me, there is nothing I can do about this syndrome...’

I knew I had to walk my talk. I knew I had to stand up and be that therapist who helps others lose weight and keep it off!

So, I dusted myself off and got to work on a plan.

I went back through all of my studies, all of my notes, all of my teacher training in clinical hypnosis and Jungian psychology.

I literally started from scratch.

I acted like a scientist looking for a new discovery…

I asked myself WHAT would make the shift mentally for worried men and women like me who have been in lockdown…

What could be the leap from a couch potato to an emotionally motivated person who nurtures health rather than wanting to abuse it…

I went back to my roots of WHY people couldn’t control their eating while they were in emotionally difficult situations…

I re-read and re-listened to podcasts of my favourite neuroscientists to re-define the psychological secrets to break the link between emotions and overeating…

To discover the latest methods of breaking the painful link that inhibits the brain and body to function better metabolically…

And how to strengthen muscles while in confined spaces for long periods of time.

Then after weeks of intense re-learning…

As well as unlearning old out of date methods that so many therapists were still preaching…

I created a method that I wasn’t sure quite what to name, however…

It works on the part of the human brain that is mainly associated with patterns of behaviour…

I call this area of the brain the unconscious mind (some call it the subconscious mind).

It’s this part of your mind that can break those self-destructive patterns and replace them with new healthier unconscious behaviors.

With over 25 years of training others to have a healthier relationship with food and their own body…

I knew I had slipped into a default emotional state where everything that was happening in the world was eating away at me (no pun intended here).
I sat down and condensed all the weeks of intense reading, studying all this knowledge, while retraining my brain with a series of mind techniques that were working on me seriously well.

I started to eat intuitively, rather than stuffing my face out of fear or boredom.

I noticed my natural state was to look after myself emotionally by being kind to myself rather than eating 4 cookies before breakfast and then feeling anxious and sick with what I had done to myself!

I made notes of the daily changes such as more energy, feeling more optimistic and to my delight…

I noticed my state of mind was letting me know when I was hungry and when I wasn’t.

I was getting on with my life in positive ways.

My mind and body were communicating so clearly it was incredible.

I just knew I was looking after me!

I knew I was onto something.

A few weeks later when I was in the supermarket, I bumped into one of the mums from my son’s school.

We had a chat for a bit and then she said to me 

‘You look really well. You look like you have lost weight.’

At first I wasn’t sure what to say, being slightly uncomfortable because I don’t normally talk ‘shop’ with the mums’.  I like to keep my work life separate from my personal life…

But this mum kept on at me…

So, I told her I was using my new couch potato method on myself and it was working.

I giggled (slightly uncomfortably) and said I hadn’t even found a real name for the method yet but I would soon and left it at that.

Within two hours I had 3 text messages from other mothers begging me to tell me what I was doing…

Although I was nervous at first, Ian my partner said 

‘Why don’t you try it out with them and if it doesn’t work you know it’s just something that works for you.’

So I sat down and created a map of what this would look like for someone else who had been on the same journey or similar one to me.

Instead of having a bunch of theoretical information about how the brain works, I put it into bite size recordings so it was easy to pick up and listen to without much disruption.

I cut the fluff and added highly focussed specific recordings that would automatically make the brain function differently.

And then I remembered something I had forgotten about a client of mine called Melanie who came to see me many years ago in my clinic when I lived in London, UK.

I dug out her email and this is what she said (she gave me her permission to republish the email).

‘Hi Georgia, 

I hear good things about your work but I am a little uncertain if you could help my particular situation. I WAS a very fit 40 year old mother of two children until recently when I had to have knee surgery after a skiing accident. I went from being a fit, slim and happy woman who felt nothing was impossible to an overweight and miserable person.

For some reason I just can’t seem to get back to my old self again. I feel like the real Melanie is lost… Never to be found again.

My husband is starting to make comments about my lack of enthusiasm and even said the other night he feels like I am a different person now but if I am being truthful I think he is right.

I have put on 28 pounds in a very short space of time and I feel so ashamed and unattractive. I know I am retreating into myself and the worst thing is I feel like I am not there emotionally for my children.

My question to you is can you help me or do you think I have a serious problem that needs long term therapy?’

When Melanie came to see me in the clinic she was a very beaten woman who I knew was on the verge of a breakdown.

The first thing I said to her is she had just been through a very traumatic experience of being confined after being a very active person.

I think a lot of people are under the impression that being fit is just physical but the truth is being fit starts in the mind. Without the mind having the right sort of ‘thinking’ behaviours it’s virtually impossible to motivate yourself.
When Melanie came to see me in the clinic she was a very beaten woman who I knew was on the verge of a breakdown.

The first thing I said to her is she had just been through a very traumatic experience of being confined after being a very active person.

I think a lot of people are under the impression that being fit is just physical but the truth is being fit starts in the mind. Without the mind having the right sort of ‘thinking’ behaviours it’s virtually impossible to motivate yourself.

It was the isolation that caused the problem. Melanie was simply a pawn in the life situation she was thrown into…

Just like lockdowns have done to people’s psyche all around the world and will continue to…

Because it’s not normal to be locked down and it’s not normal to feel caged in.

My client had through no fault of her own, trained her brain to think negatively from the continual pressure of confinement.

As I often say…

‘There is a fine line between too much time on your hands and not enough time on your hands because often with too much time we tend to default to negative thinking’.

But it wasn’t just the lack of exercise, she also started to emotionally overeat which she had never done before.

Her husband who was a health freak himself couldn’t understand why she didn’t have any willpower, but it is exactly this type of situation that can cause a dramatic shift in behaviour that Melanie’s husband just could not grasp.

On-going consistent restrictions cause emotional trauma and when this happens the mind tries to find immediate ways to resolve the situation and food is a quick fix…

Of course, until it becomes an emotional habit which in Melanie’s case and mine too.  It had become so ingrained that it became a very unhelpful but ‘normal way’ of dealing with life.

The more Melanie’s husband reminded her of who she was before surgery…

Ironically it made her eat more…

I’ll explain why this often happens in a little while…

And while I am on the subject, there is one thing I get really annoyed about when someone judges another for not having the ‘willpower’ to lose weight or to exercise more. The truth is it’s not that simple when you choose the traditional weight loss approach…

And let’s face it DIETS DON’T WORK!

Which is why Melanie came to see me because she had done the high protein method, the fasting for a few days method and everything else. She had done it all and kept going back to square one.

Back then I was doing a lot of research about the power of the mind and came across a study published by the National Library of Medicine (The National Center for Biotechnology Information).

I have always believed keeping on top of new research and developments in health and emotional wellbeing is important. It was during this time I stumbled across an experiment.

The purpose of this experiment was to determine mental training-induced strength gains (without performing physical exercises) in the little finger abductor as well as in the elbow flexor muscles.

Thirty young, healthy volunteers participated in the study. The first group of 8 volunteers was trained to perform "mental contractions" of little finger abduction (ABD); the second group of 8 people performed mental contractions of elbow (ELB) flexion; and the third group of 8 people was not trained but participated in all measurements and served as a control group.

Finally, six volunteers performed training of physical aspect of moving the muscles in these areas.

Training lasted for 12 weeks (15 min per day, 5 days per week). At the end of training,
It was discovered that the ABD group had increased their finger abduction strength by


The elbow group augmented their elbow flexion strength by


The physical training group increased the finger abduction strength by 


What was really interesting is the control group showed no significant changes in strength for either finger abduction or elbow flexion tasks. The improvement in muscle strength for trained groups was accompanied by significant increases in electroencephalogram-derived cortical potential, a measure previously shown to be directly related to control of voluntary muscle contractions.

The conclusion was that the mental training employed by this study enhanced the cortical output signal, which drives the muscles to a higher activation level and increases strength.
Then there was another clinical trial done by the International Journal of Obesity where they used mental imagery to boost weight loss and the results were astonishing…

They used Functional Imagery Training (FIT) versus traditional talking therapy with 141 people.

The FIT group were asked to imagine how good it would feel to lose weight. They did not go on a diet and they did no extra exercise. The mental exercises were simply designed to increase motivation and focus on how good they would look and feel after they lost weight.

The results revealed that after six months

people in the FIT group lost 9 pounds in contrast to just 1.5 pounds in the comparison group.

9lb vs 1.5 lb

The imagery training also helped people lose almost two inches from their waistlines.


One year later, people in the FIT group had lost 13 pounds, compared with only 1.5 pounds in the Motivational Interviewing group.

13lb vs 1.5 lb

This is seriously good news for all those who feel lockdowns and restrictions was their downfall when it came to losing weight and getting fit!

These studies confirm the absolute opposite can be true!

But this isn’t magic… It’s science!

The truth is it's not the conscious mind that drives this desire to eat and lack of motivation to exercise.

It's the deeper part of the mind, the unconscious mind.

When we feel a negative state of mind, our brain will scan through our past and will try to find the best resource to make us feel better

And if a bag of chocolate is the answer...

Our mind will assume that this is the best way to make us feel safe - even if it's 9:00 in the morning!

But that’s not all... Because this study is part of an emerging consensus in the neuroscience community that overeating is fundamentally a learning and memory disorder!

So… What does this mean for you? That you just need to break those links between food and those stressful lockdown memories of using food to make you feel safe.

Consequently, your desire to overeat
will automatically drop!

- That’s why hypnosis
has long been used as a treatment.

And before you pooh pooh hypnosis, there are a crazy amount of clinical studies on the power of this fast and effective way to break bad habits.

Because according to a Stanford University Medical Center study that scanned brains of subjects while they were hypnotized...

Hypnosis decreases the function of the default system network, a part of the brain associated with the unconscious mind which creates 'bad' health habits.

And turns out that this decrease in function of the default system network makes you more susceptible to new neural associations.

And that’s why hypnosis helps you to break those old bad behavior patterns and create new healthier ones, by specifically targeting your unconscious mind.

So, before you decide hypnosis isn’t for you and I respect that it might not be…

These studies confirm the absolute opposite can be true!

I want to give you some essential facts about hypnosis…


success rate 

It has a 90.6% success rate for stopping smoking According to the University of Washington School of Medicine Study


success rate 

77% success rate for Drug Addiction - American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis
 The Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
investigated the effects of hypnosis in weight loss for 

60 females, at least 20% overweight. 

The hypnosis group was more effective than a control group.
They lost an average of 17 lbs versus an average of 0.5 lbs lost by
the control group, on follow-up.

17lb vs 0.5 lb

University of Connecticut researchers analyzed 18 studies comparing cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) only and those who were given hypnosis.

Those who received hypnosis lost 90% more weight

More importantly after two years the 
hypnosis group had kept the weight off!
"She has hypnotized billionaires, politicians, actors and high-profile musicians, though she’s far too discreet to name names."

-The Daily Mail
"My overall mood is so vastly improved that I am actually shocked by the change. My problems are still there, but I seem to be dwelling on them less, and they don’t seem so overwhelming. I feel far more positive, and I don’t feel I want to drink wine to escape from anything, including myself."

-The Daily Telegraph

Think about it this way…

Your unconscious mind is like a set of train tracks.

The journey that you travel on in your mind is about going along the same track because it is familiar.

But when the Pandemic hit the mind blocked the ‘normal’ journey and shifted to the emergency track that said…

‘We are scared and anxious about life, let’s go and eat, drink or just do nothing and wait till it is safe.’

And we are still overwhelmed by the pandemic…

Over time the track has become worn and familiar with default emotional defences and the old track has been cut off.

I want you to reconnect to that track of health and wellbeing.

The track that looks after you today, tomorrow, next week, next month and beyond so you are emotionally habitually prepared to nurture YOU!


success rate 

A study analysis found hypnosis to have a 93 per cent success rate with fewer sessions than counselling and psychotherapy, which led researchers to believe hypnosis was the most effective method of behavioural change!
Even though hypnosis has been proven to be the most cutting edge and forward-thinking therapy, many people are still in fear of it…

I get this because there are a lot of poorly trained therapists out there who give hypnosis a bad name, so you do need to be referred to someone fully qualified.

I spent years training in hypnosis and (without ego) I got the second-highest results in Europe!

I also spent many years as a senior lecturer on hypnosis in a number of the universities of the United Kingdom, which I absolutely loved.

I've treated bankers, lawyers, nurses, homemakers, artists, you name it with incredible success!

I know hypnosis is the easiest method for making healthy changes without the stress and the strain of going into long term therapy.

And it makes complete sense when you think about it…

Because all you want to do is to get your head around HOW to have a successful healthy relationship with yourself and with food…

Where you manage your food intake, rather than it manages YOU!

I want to take the pain away from your food decisions, so they are intuitive choices rather than reactive to the stresses we are constantly bombarded with.

I want you to know you have an incredible mind that is open and excited to achieve a relationship with the food that unchains you from your unhealthy eating past.

The truth is there are many myths about hypnosis, mainly coming from movies and stage hypnosis (which is completely set up!) .

Hypnosis is now known as a genuine therapy that can fast track you to a better space, rather than expensive, long-term and often ineffective methods.

I can assure you this is not a complicated problem!

All you want to do is to have a more refreshing and liberating relationship with yourself, food and your body which springboards you into a healthier relationship with YOU!

I am taking highly skilled techniques that I’ve been using for decades with great success! 

To give you the success YOU are looking for!

What many people don’t know is that hypnosis is a natural state we all enter!

Everybody including YOU goes into a NATURAL hypnotic state, called the Alpha/Theta state

Some people call it the daydream state.

It's that beautiful state just between drifting into sleep and just before you wake in the morning.

It’s a window of time of around 20 minutes between being awake and asleep.

This is the state when your unconscious mind is at its most emotionally intelligent and is open to positive change.

It's where your mind and body can learn faster, new ways of thinking, responding and feeling.

It may sound simple, but hypnosis is one of the most effective methods of creating HEALTHY, POSITIVE emotional change.
Your mind just instantly stores the new information… 

WITHOUT any resistance!

PERFECT for a quick and effective way to enjoy a NEW healthy relationship with YOU... 
That replaces the old destructive, unhealthy eating mentality and gets your brain and body to become fitter while you rest...

What the hypnotherapy recordings do is help your mind get into this non-resistant Alpha/Theta mode…

How do the recordings DO THIS?

All you need to do is simply sit or lie down somewhere comfortable where you can close your eyes.

Don't worry if you have a busy brain that is fine and normal.

I don't expect YOU to go into a nothingness state.

That is difficult for many, hence why meditation is such a problem for some.

Busy brains can hinder the best meditation plans, hence why this approach is better.

And much more accessible.

Because you don't have that pressure to relax deeply.

Don't worry if you do fall asleep, that is fine too.

Either way, trust me, it is working!

When you start listening to my hypnotherapy suggestions, you drift into the 

Alpha/Theta hypnotic state…

I can assure you this is perfectly safe and scientifically supported with factual evidence that this method works...

Hypnosis is incredibly RELAXING, so you can just listen to my voice while I talk you through your NEW "Eat Less" habit.

In an instant, the mind takes in this new information during this alpha/theta state...

And your old unhealthy thinking and eating habits are literally booted out in favour of NEW healthy eating habits on the spot.

It's like out with the old programing and in with the new REAL YOU!

The deeply-ingrained unhelpful thoughts, feelings and habits that have caused over eating for many years are...

EFFECTIVELY REPROGRAMED simply by listening to the daily recordings.

So you just start to naturally not want to overeat without even thinking about it!

Because those driven-to-eating moments are simply not there anymore...

It may seem hard to BELIEVE I know...

But virtually EVERYONE who does this program says that the urge to overeat in destructive ways literally just GOES AWAY...

Like Bella... Who like many were sceptical and slightly cynical about the process. 

“Those cravings practically VANISHED! It's such a relief!
This program is quite a strange experience to start with, but then I've never done anything like this before. Just relax and don't question it.”

IT WORKS because what you've done is trained your unconscious mind to eat LESS without willpower!

Technically speaking, it's a bit like upgrading your mind's "software."

The files stored in your mind that contained your unhealthy eating habits…

Are UPGRADED to a software that you didn't think you had!

Each time you listen to the recordings, you upgrade your mind's capacity to have a more balanced relationship to food and YOU.

This radically simple yet highly effective program is GUARANTEED to support your life goals!

Irrespective of your eating and weight history…

Irrespective of whether you’ve been a yo-yo dieter your entire life.

And GET THIS... it works even if you drift off while you're listening to the recordings…

And even if you doze into a lovely sleep!

Which often happens because each recording is extremely RELAXING…

So relaxing and rejuvenating that most people find listening to the program becomes their favourite part of the day…

It's a time to spend with yourself that you'll genuinely look forward to.

And feel much better after one the 25-minute recording.

“If you have time to sit on your couch for 25 minutes without getting out of your pajamas, then you can lose weight and build muscle tone.'”

I would love to introduce you to 

Pajama Diet

You may ask what is included with this scientific based method?

     EAT LESS Recording

Within 25 minutes you will be well on your way eating healthier, making AMAZING slim food choices without having to think about! This laser targeted recording is training your brain and body to eat when you are hungry rather than when you are bored, tired or whatever!

     FITNESS Recording

This life changing 25 minute get Fit recording is the perfect way to get those muscles stronger from the first time you listen. Imagine while you rest, your brain and body are getting wise to a fast way to improve muscle tone and strength without lifting a finger!

     Bonus Subliminal EAT LESS Recording

Put this 1 hour recording on in the background while you work, read or whatever! Although you can't hear the words, your inner mind is absorbing and enjoying experiencing a calmer, healthier relationship with food. You just notice you are making positive food choices naturally and effortlessly.

     Subliminal BUILD MUSCLE STRENGTH Recording

Play this BONUS 1 hour recording while at your computer, cooking, reading or just chilling out. You can't hear the words but your clever mind can, so it makes it even easier to get those muscles working for you while in isolation!

     1 Video that will help you...

Discover how this program will revolutionise your mind and body.

Discover how to use these recordings to get you ready to embrace the world after all the craziness of the pandemic.

Become a slimmer, healthier and happier with YOU!


Imagine, if you woke up in just 30 days, and you were physically stronger, slimmer and happier. Your clothes barely fit, you had to keep pulling up your jeans, and you loved the mirror again.

Or, just imagine by just pressing the play button while in your PJ's for 30 days your family and friends asking you...

"What the hell did you do? 
Starve yourself for a whole month!"

You answer back with a big smile on your face

"Nope, I just laid on my couch for 25 minutes a day with these scientifically proven MP3 recordings..."

You FINALLY feel good that family and friends can see you've been doing something but 'HOW DID YOU DO IT?'

After everything we've been through, this is actually a time where you have an opportunity to look after yourself better than before...

In some ways, being in lockdown has made us re-evaluate our freedoms and how important health is.

There are some incredible benefits to this technique... 

No more over-straining, because you are listening to your body better. Because your muscles will be strong and your body will be so much healthier!

All you need is your own mind and body and it takes just 25 minutes or less and you’re done! 

I'm not kidding. And just to remind you that you don't need a lot of space either ….just your bed or couch!

And better yet, you won't end up feeling exhausted afterwards like normal exercising too! 

In fact, part of what makes this new kind of sleep workout so great is that it increases your energy levels. So, when you come out of this smart exercise time you can do more of what you love throughout the day feeling fitter and happier too.

Welcome to the wonderful world of mental gymnastics!

A system that works while you are resting, so get buffing without huffing and train without the strain!

You are literally burning the extra calories that you are consuming without having to think about it while you are resting.

Waving goodbye to guilt laden eating because your mind thinks it is exercising it off!

All while you are resting; You will be literally burning calories while you sleep!

This system works for EVERYONE. It’s perfect for those with joint problems who find exercising painful or for those with back problems.

Even for those who have put on a bit of weight and find the thought of going to the gym after two years lockdowns feeling really unfit is a scary thought.

This is the perfect solution for ALL!

THE BEST THING about this method, it’s digital, so you can get started straight away!

All of this and NEW YOU in less than 25 minutes a day for tiny, single low cost payment of $27
No worries or risk.

The product comes with a 100% 60 day money back guarantee.

I am offering 60 day money back guarantee because I just know you are going to love this method.
It’s such a great way of building important muscle strength while losing weight without the sweat and muscle strain.

Just one single low cost payment of


YES! I want to start my Pajama Diet Today!


Option 1:


The thought of getting weaker and clothes getting tighter I know is not what you want.  

Do the smart and wiser thing that actually is easy and effortless. 

Option 2:


You could do what you are doing but then... what about your weak muscles?
Be sure to check your spam folder after your purchase, just in case your login details have gone in there to access your on-line purchase.

Because I know you want results to start today...

The good news is, you don't have to wait for the post, as everything is waiting for you in your inbox with full access RIGHT NOW!

Once you check your inbox with one click, you are ready to go!

And remember, if after 60 days, if you are not completely happy with the product…

Or you don't like my Australian accent, or you want to continue to over eat…

The way you do and just feel you aren't ready to eat less.

I will give you a full refund, no questions.

I stand by my work and feel passionate that I can help you.

You have an amazing mind…

Just trust…


With the tools, I give you on this tried and tested program you are on your way to being happier and healthier on the first day!

Some common questions I get are:

"How will I know this is working for me?"

The ANSWER is, you will notice you are calmer and don't have that drive to eat like you were and you just forget about eating unless you are hungry!

Another common question is:

"I don't think I can be hypnotized?"

The ANSWER is yes, you can!

Everybody is hypnotizable. Hypnosis is a proven natural brain wave activity that we all experience going into sleep, and just before we wake.

This is a scientific FACT!

If you are secretly thinking you don't believe in hypnosis, then why don't you try it and see for yourself.
There is a 60 day money-back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose and only good things to gain.
There is a 60 day money-back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose and only good things to gain.


is your day to take action and embrace that Intuitive Eater with a deep trust and confidence.


Warm regards,